We are never more like Jesus than when we give.

The fourth step on your journey of experiencing the love of Jesus is generosity. Jesus calls us to give cheerfully and generously.

Generosity is an expression of our faith in Jesus. God doesn’t want us to give grudgingly but cheerfully and generously. Our generosity is about being thankful for what we have and trusting Jesus with what we have.

Don’t worry if you don’t feel like you are there yet. We are all learning to trust Jesus more and more. If you aren’t sure that you can give cheerfully and generously then take a step in that direction. Just give what you can be excited about and ask Jesus to help you…He will.

Two ways we support our mission:

Regular Giving

Your regular gifts support our plan to reach our community with God’s love. Also, your regular gifts support mission work in our state, our nation, and all over the world. To begin regular giving you can use the link below and be sure to choose how often you would like to give.

Special Offerings

Throughout the year you will be invited to give through special offerings. To give to a special offering you can use the link below and be sure to choose the special offering to which you would like to give.